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job interviews
求职面试  detail>>
case 15 job interviews
招聘面试  detail>>
job-hopping and interviews
跳槽与面试  detail>>
lesson job interviews
参加面试  detail>>
the unting
大围捕  detail>>
访问 名人访谈 人物专访 谈话;面谈  detail>>
no interviews,
不采访  detail>>
and teacher interviews
情感与教师访谈,53  detail>>
arranged interviews
安排访问  detail>>
behavioral interviews
行为式面试  detail>>
conduct interviews, to
进行访问  detail>>
depth interviews
深度访谈  detail>>
exit interviews
离职面谈  detail>>
hall interviews
会议室访问  detail>>
in-street interviews
街访  detail>>
intercept interviews
拦截访问  detail>>
meetings and interviews
会议和面谈  detail>>